Front Row, Baby!

As a tall and large person with many girlfriends that are a size 0, I often find myself positioned in the back row whenever we take a group shot.  About 99% of the time, this is my choice and I make a bee-line for the back and try to hide as much as possible.  Well, I guess losing my first 20 pounds has created a bit of a change in my attitude … on Wednesday, Halloween day, the 6th graders were having their Halloween party in the school cafeteria and all my close friends gathered for one of our many group photos.  I didn’t see them all line up but then they called to me to join them…and guess where I went?  Straight to the front!  I don’t think I have done that since my college days – and they embraced me and I smiled and yelled “I’m in the front row!”  This probably doesn’t mean much to beautiful, thin people but it was a huge step for me.  And it felt great.  I might do it again sometime….

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1 Response to Front Row, Baby!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Tears in my eyes, Martha! But…HEY! I’m in a blog!!! ~JF


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