Maintenance Weigh-In, 6 months later

It is very hard to believe that I have been at my goal weight for over 6 months now.  Time certainly does fly.

Today I saw Dr. Z for my monthly weigh-in and check-in appointment at Scottsdale Weight Loss.  Over the past few weeks, my weight has gone from bouncing around 166-170 pounds up to bouncing around 170-172.  This is still barely within my “green zone” but I wasn’t very comfortable with it consistently staying above my goal range.  So on Wednesday of last week, I took a couple of “refresher” courses with Dr. Lisa Galper just to get my head back in the game and I also bought a box of Optifast HP shakes and a box of Optifast peanut butter bars with the idea of using quite a few meal replacements this week before my weigh-in.  The timing was good since I have been busy in the evenings and my husband was traveling.  It is easy to cook up a dinner for the kids on the run and then just have an Optifast bar for my dinner.  So, I’m happy to say that this strategy worked because I went from 171.5 on Sunday to 167.5 this morning.  I weighed 169.5 at the doctor’s office but I was wearing jeans.  So, all in all, I’m in a good spot again.

As usual I talked to Dr. Z about running and the 10K I did last weekend.  He is experimenting with his nutrition for his runs too and we talked about that some – favoring a lower carb diet in order to train the body to burn fat during the run instead of relying on carbs and quick sugar (like GU, etc.) during the run.  I’m interested to see what he figures out from his own training/running experience because I am interested in burning more fat – and I haven’t (yet) become dependent on sugar based fuels during my runs – although I do carry more gummy bears with me than I should as a “reward” and for a small amount of fuel.  I raced with Shot Bloks last weekend but I can’t say I noticed much of an energy up-tick from them, but who knows how I would have felt had I not had them.  At the half marathon distance, I shouldn’t need too much extra fuel anyway.  Speaking of the 10K, here a couple of race photos that were published yesterday…these were taken around mile 6 I think, not too far from the finish line.  I am happy that I don’t look like death.

10K_2 10K_1

Another topic of discussion was my phentermine prescription.  I am still taking it periodically to help with hunger but I’m not really sure if it is actually helping.  Dr. Z and I both think I gain some metabolic benefit from it though so that is the main reason I have continued.  But, I’m not too excited about taking it indefinitely.  So, he suggested that I keep the prescription filled and handy but try, for a while, not using it unless I get up around 171 lbs or so.  Giving my body a break from it, he said, will probably make it more effective when I do need it.  I went many months without it and just started up again more regularly about 2 months ago.  Dr. Z said it has a very low addiction rate, and I don’t feel like I am addicted … but I wasn’t sure how long I should continue using it.  So, that is my new plan.  No phentermine unless I get above goal.  We have both had the attitude of not messing with what was working but we’ll give this a shot.

My dad has been dealing with some health issues so I went down to help him out yesterday and went back again today.  He wanted to go out and get some breakfast this morning and since I had not eaten much this morning, it seems like an excellent idea.  I always sort of over-indulge immediately following my weigh-in because I’ve been so diligent in the week leading up to it!  I ate a lot at breakfast but there was a lot of protein involved so it should hold me for most of the day.  I’m afraid his health is going to be of an increasing concern and priority so I am starting to prepare myself now for some tough months ahead of me.  I shared a bit of that with Dr. Z today and I know he’ll be a great support.

I heard a message on a podcast the other day while I was running about being content and it really hit home.  I have been feeling that a lot lately.  For the first time in a long time, I am very “content”.  Sure, there are every day stresses and life is by no means easy going right now but I am very happy with the blessings I have and had in my life – friends, family, children, health, my career in the past, etc.   I have a lot of things I should be doing/cleaning/organizing but I have just sort of taken this week to step back a bit and, well, breathe.  While it is always good to think of the next big challenge or project, etc., it is equally important to be “present” and thankful – and I guess this is a good month for that as we celebrate Thanksgiving!

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1 Response to Maintenance Weigh-In, 6 months later

  1. Lynn says:

    Wow you are doing great …. I have had some really tough months and weight shows it … thankful for family and friends and support …. Keep up the good work and good luck on your training for your half marathon …


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