
Had my monthly weigh-in and visit at SWLC with Dr. Z last week.  I was pretty much the same weight as last month (up 1/2 lb. but down 1 lb. on my scale at home).  I had hoped to be down more but was OK with maintaining through the holidays and having Sarah home.

But it is now time to take action.  Dr. Z threw out several ideas and suggestions.  They were all good but I knew, deep down, that it was sort of more of the same and probably wasn’t going to do the trick to motivate me.  The problem is that I can stick with my plan in the week or two leading up to my appointment but I often go rogue in the week or two after my weigh-in appointment before buckling down and getting serious again.  This just adds more weight to what I need to lose – or get back off – so I don’t make much progress.  After discussing a few possible tactics, I told him what would really do the trick was for him to say “lose 5 pounds by next visit” and put in in my chart to document it.  There.  That’s all I need.  I’ve been challenged.  So, he wrote it down and we agreed on what I would weigh at my next appointment.  Done.

But the next day I went to Dallas / Fort Worth and ate all of Texas.

Erin and I went to Dallas for a gymnastics meet.  This is the 3rd year we have made the


trip, but the competition was held in Fort Worth this year instead of the northern Dallas suburb of Allen.  I’m kinda embarrassed to say that in my 5 years of living in the DFW img_4911area in college, I only went to Fort Worth one time – and that was just to see a traveling exhibit at a museum.  The meet was held in the Fort Worth Convention Center and weimg_4917 had a nice hotel room right across the street.  The area is pretty cool – a large outdoor water fountain park, revitalized bar/restaurant scene, etc.  It was a bit overcast and rainy the first day but, by the time we left, the weather was quite nice.  We had some really good meals but, due to the timing of the competition events, our eating schedule was all thrown off.

Our days before and then after our time in Fort Worth was spent back in Dallas (it’s about a 45 minute drive).  My friend, Amy, and her husband always have their guest room waiting for us and we enjoy the comfort of staying at her house.  They have the most adorable Westie doggies!  They live right by the airport and only about 10 minutes from the university where Sarah is.  So, even though she just headed back to school 2 weeks ago, it was nice to see her again – and we went out for 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner together.  Calorie overload!


But now I’m back home and things are returning to normal.  I’ve stuck with my plan every day and am getting back to my exercise routine.  I’m just doing short 3 miles runs / walks.

Tuesday night I started my tennis class at the nearby community college (where I’m taking the computer programming class).  It was a great (almost) 2 hour workout.  I’ve got a long way to go to get my swing back but I burned a few calories running all over the court non-stop.  I play pretty hard – running and chasing down as many balls as I can.  I’ve got 2 friends in class with me so it is pretty fun.

So, I’m looking at about 6 pounds to lose before my weigh-in in 2.5 weeks.  If I stay on track until then, I should make it – but there really isn’t room for any more crazy eating days.  I’m up for the challenge!


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