In Print…

So a while back I mentioned that I was interviewed for an article about Arizonans that had lost weight by a local magazine (PHOENIX magazine).  The interview was conducted by phone and, although I was not so sure how our conversation would be used, it ended up being a really nice experience with a journalist that made me feel very comfortable.  I really had no idea how many people she was talking to or if my story was what she needed and, after it was over, I pretty much forgot about it.  That was, until the art director contacted me weeks later to set up a photo shoot.  I was really nervous about that because I just don’t feel like I look as good as I had in the past, but I just went with it.  The photo shoot was really casual and she took about 4 poses, 2 of which I thought might be pretty good.

Paranoid at what this was going to end up looking like, I actually subscribed to the magazine so that I could get a peek at the issue with the magazine’s online access before it went out in the mail to subscribers.  So, imagine my surprise last month when I was sleepily heading up to bed and spotted this on Scottsdale Weight Loss’s Facebook page…

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Wait!  What?  OMG.  After I got over the shock of it seeing myself when I least expected it – and the fact that the 2 pictures I was hoping they didn’t use were actually the ones in front of me – I was mostly just relieved that I didn’t have to live in suspense any more.  To be honest, it was WAY more than I thought it was going to be.  I thought all of us (still didn’t know how many “us” was) would be on one page and we’d have maybe a couple of 3″ inch high photos.  I did not expect a full page of just me!  I guess SWLC got advance copies of the issue since they are advertisers in it.  A few days later, the magazine called me to let me know they had a few copies I could pick up at their office.

This article was in the 2018 Medical Directory, which is a special edition of the PHOENIX magazine.  It has already gone out to subscribers but I haven’t seen it anywhere on local newsstands yet.  I’m not sure if it will be.  Mostly I’m just glad that I don’t have to worry about it any more.  I’m happy enough with it and know it is just another interesting blip in this weight loss journey.







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